
Friday, May 8, 2020

No Yeast

There's a yeast shortage.  Last shabbos we made motzi on our last two mini-challot.  I've tried to make mini-challot once before, not a great result, probably overbaked.  Thought I might try again.  When I went to Shop-Rite, the yeast section was empty of all brands.  Checked Target the next day.  They didn't have flour or yeast.  So it's another package of mini-challot, good for three shabbatot, which I obtained easily at Shop-Rite.  But still no yeast.

With everyone home during Coronavirus activity restrictions and business activity on the skids, a consumer demand remains for things that can be done at home.  People have taken up new activities, most notably gardening and baking.  I had planned my own expanded garden in the pre-Corona months and had no problem getting seeds, potting soil, or pregrown stems.  The garden centers are all open, though some with restricted hours.  Supermarkets are open, maybe a little less active with shoppers, but carts get filled by people who would like to minimize their trips there.  Bread has a limited shelf life so people have started making their own, which is not that hard to do, especially with a stand mixer and dough hook.  It can be a lot of fun, and to some extent engaging for kids cooped up at home to participate.  Bread making machines have sold out.  People have moved to the backup of soda bread, which I've never made, but baking powder and some form of acid to cause a reaction remains readily available.

Eventually the manufacturers of packaged yeast will restore supplies, but for now it's commercial bread.

Faced with flour and yeast shortages, bakers get creative

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