
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tackling the New Testament

When I go to the state fair there is usually an exhibit by the anti-abortion lobby or a church that has that as its primary initiative.  I do not engage them in conversation but listen to the spiel politely and on occasion take one of the pocket New Testaments that they give out.  I have a handful around the house.  While under restricted activity, I read much of the Prophets on Sefaria.  My attempt at the Quran got me about as far as the chapter about the cow, which isn't very far into it. 

Time to read the freebie from the state fair, pocket size but very thin paper and small print.  It starts with the Gospel of Matthew which took me about a week to read its 28 chapters.  Well written, easy to read from the Gideons translation.  Largely written in the manner of history or biography, not a lot of theology.  Many of the often cited passages and parables originate there.  It was not really The Jews who had it in for Jesus but their Machers.  We have Macher swoops today.

Next in order is the Gospel of Mark.  My pace would require four days.  So far it reads as more goyish than Matthew, many of the same historical citations repackaged but I've only read about a third of it so far.  The other two Gospels and Acts are fairly lengthy, the rest fairly short epistles or commentary.  Will try to stay on pace.

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 10 – The Heart Beat

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