
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Trying on Suits

Wanting to mainly minimize the estate sale burden to my descendants but also live a little better now, I entered into a modified KonMari project to minimize my possessions.  She starts with the most emotionally neutral, clothing.  While it is impractical for me to put everything made of cloth on a surface at once, I can put categories in a more manageable pile.  I started with sports jackets that include suits, some of which I've not work for a while.  My tuxedo jacket still fits.  A few previous staples have no prospect for expert tailoring.  I tried on the jackets, separating into subcategories:  serviceable but need to try on pants, maybe a little tight but can be worn open if pants are adequate, give away, keep and return to closet.  Fairly equal outcomes.  I have tuxedo shirts to try on.  Since I usually have some notice of when I will need to wear something of this type, pants from suits can be altered later.  Pants set aside with sport coats that don't fit probably are not worth altering since I have dress pants of neutral colors that fit.  Dress clothing really doesn't give me joy though at times the status it projects might.  I have some tuxedo shirts with this.  Try them on.  Good enough for one occasion, they stay, collar too tight they go.  I know well in advance when I will need one and can order one that fits.  It will last until I gain too much weight, which will probably be within the interval of the next wearing.

I set aside lab coats as sentimental, though they probably aren't.  Then ties.  Sometimes ties bring me joy, though I hardly ever wear one.  If I can get through clothing within three months, I can tackle books by year's end. 

What Ifs and Why Nots | Hark at Home

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