
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Could Use Some Assistance


Even the housecleaners don't want to clean my house.  Since cleaning ladies of my mother's era have given way to cleaning teams, they have workers comp but don't want to take a chance using it.  Fortunately, where there's a market, somebody will fill it at the right price.  People want to or have to move, downsize, get ship off to Skilled Nursing Facilities, and depart this world without their stuff that somebody else has to cart off so the survivors can inherit a house of larger financial value.  And then there are that minority like me who have no intention of maximizing sale price but just want to live in the same house in a better way.

Cleaners abound on Angi's List and other sites that match contractors to home needs.  Organizers don't, but I seem to have latched onto somebody willing and at a price that I expected.  We begin next month.

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