
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Liquid Mess

Had some errands to do, most importantly replace faulty smoke detectors.  Got two at Home Depot.  Total Whine has their main outlet in the same shopping center so I got a few things there as well.  My new car's trunk being pretty empty, I put the three bottles there but heard them shifting position as I drove.  Later in the afternoon I went to take them inside to find that a 1500 ml bottle of port had broken.  Not a big financial loss but a challenge to clean up.

I took the two intact bottles inside, wiped them off, and put them in a secure place.  Then took the largest fragment of the broken bottle and tossed that,  Next, separated big fragments for recycling.  Now the liquid.  Fortunately the Toyota trunk has rubber flooring, textured to capture liquids while retaining a dry surface, which is probably good for people who do a lot of water sports.  I don't have equipment that sops up 1500 ml liquid but a mop came closest.  Then a sponge.  Good enough for now.  See what's left, and try a towel or two today.  Big mess but with a trunk containing only the snow brush I will soon need, not much damage.

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