
Thursday, January 26, 2023

No Snow

For all the pseudo-attention I've given to having a functioning snow blower, I don't.  I've not gone to the garage to disassemble the engine or follow a YouTube on how to restore it so that it starts when I pull the crank.  Hardly even opened the garage door, let alone take the machine out to where I can work on it.

Despite my neglect, we've had no snow last season or this one.  It's not yet Groundhog Day, and it only takes one blizzard to cover a driveway enough to test my limits with a snow shovel, but so far it's really not dropped below freezing. I do not know if this is really part of global warming, and I have the shovels for when I need them.  And for the really deep snow, it's probably less expensive to hire a removal service than maintain my own gas device, though I've always gotten some satisfaction when I use it.

Maybe the snow will eventually cover my driveway before the next season.

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