Some honoraria and minor awards have accumulated. Gift cards for serving as a research subject. Minor awards for OLLI contests. I've not redeemed any of them, but carry a $50 Bill with a portrait of US Grant in my wallet. Not every place accepts them anymore. A Target card. Some Barnes & Noble cards. Now an Amazon $50 voucher sent online from a research project. Plus a $25 Visa card as a rebate for replacing my tires last year.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Gift Honoraria
Some honoraria and minor awards have accumulated. Gift cards for serving as a research subject. Minor awards for OLLI contests. I've not redeemed any of them, but carry a $50 Bill with a portrait of US Grant in my wallet. Not every place accepts them anymore. A Target card. Some Barnes & Noble cards. Now an Amazon $50 voucher sent online from a research project. Plus a $25 Visa card as a rebate for replacing my tires last year.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Organizing Spices
My milchig spice grinder needed refilling. The evening before, I had tried to season halibut fillets to pan-fry for supper. Some olive oil to coat, a splash of salt, and a few grinds of pepper on each surface. It needed little more. To get the waning volume of peppercorns to grind, I had to shake the grinder a few times to redistribute those on the bottom. Seasoning was scant but adequate. I have a pareve grinder and ground pepper in its tin, but what I did would suffice for supper.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Shopping Experience
Going to the store was once pleasurable. When I had little money, there were treasure hunts. When I needed something, I could find something suitable, then assess if the price justified a purchase. Now I have ample money but need very few things. And not even want many more things. My favorites of the various places I lived have largely gone belly up. Korvette's as a teen, Sears and Venture in my St. Louis time, Filene's, Caldor, and Lechmere in my Boston years. The Dry Goods, later morphed to Value City as an adult. Now only Boscov's remains, a regional place rescued from bankruptcy, a place to find a treasure most visits. And Marshall's and TJ Maxx, and Costco, all places designed to go exploring without a list. Walmart exists, but about to exit from my shopping destinations.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Correcting Errors
After a semi-debacle trying to make a pizza at home, my FB friends urged me not to give up. Big mistake, not pre-heating the stone. Second mistake, not having a tool to transfer the pizza from the prep board to the stone. So I gave it a second try. While I like primary ingredients like yeast and flour, I opted for commercial dough, which I thawed. Not wanting to open a new jar of spaghetti sauce, I had half a jar of salsa, already seasoned. At Shop-Rite I bought a half-pound buffalo mozzarella, committing me to a Pizza Margherita. Olive oil is a staple. I had bought mushrooms at Aldi. Basil leaves grow nicely in a chia pot in the living room. Instead of a board, I would use an inverted sheet pan to spread the dough and ingredients, then transfer with a spatula onto the hot stone.
Ready to go. Stone in oven set at 500F. Dust inverted sheet pan with flour. Take dough out of plastic wrapping. It could have spread better. I kneaded it a little, and stretched as best I could. Tossing is a skill I do not have, but transferring between fists spreads it out somewhat. I never created a circle, more a rectangle. Pour olive oil onto the crust surface, and spread with the back of a tablespoon. Contents of salsa jar, mild version, just enough to coat the crust, spread with the same tablespoon, leaving a small edge. Next, the block of mozzarella. I put it onto a plate, creating even slices with a sharp knife. Those got distributed evenly over the pie's upper surface. Wash and slice five baby Bella mushrooms and distribute them. Take four basil leaves, chiffonade, distribute.
I opened the oven, slid the rack with the hot stone out enough for the transfer, then took the inverted sheet pan with the pie to that level. It did not transfer smoothly. The topping, cheese, mushrooms and some sauce went plop onto the hot stone. The dough folded a little. I eventually moved the partially folded dough onto the hot stone, transferred as much cheese a mushrooms as I could back onto the pie, and closed the oven.
Fourteen minutes later, my timer went off. I returned to the oven to find something of a mess. I had a pizza, only slightly adherent to the stone. But I also found baked-on cheese with burnt edges on the stone. The dough did not remain flat. It rose significantly during heating, particularly on the parts that had no topping. Carefully, I removed the stone from the oven onto my stove top, remembering to turn off the oven. I created three pizza pieces, a half for me, two quarters for my wife, one to eat for supper, the other to save.
Despite the mostly misadventure, the meal tasted pretty good. The dough could have used another minute or two in the oven. The cheese atop the pizza melted just right. Salsa, even mild, seemed a little too peppery for optimal pizza topping. The mushrooms cooked well.
That left me with a messy pizza stone to clean up. I could throw it out, as I am not eager to make a subsequent attempt. However, some soaking last time enabled the burned on ingredients to come clean from the stone, so it now sits in a tub, half now, half in a few hours.
Despite a culinary result far inferior to what any professional pizzeria would offer, the economics don't make a lot of sense. The dough just under $2. Half a jar salsa $1.50. Mozzarella ball $5. Half box mushrooms $1. Whether Dominos or local, a pizzeria would charge about $15 for a better product. A frozen pizza from the supermarket would be about a third less than I spent on ingredients and would transfer to a hot stone uneventfully. Doing this myself for the effort and cost does not seem justified. There are other things I could make instead. Leave pizza to the pros.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Nightly Supper
From The Atlantic:
The writer, a young career woman, lamented disruptions that creating a suitable supper for her family every evening imposes. It likely does, but prioritizing a set time for everyone to assemble around a table at has benefits that are hard to recapture. I'm an empty nester, the one who came home from work later than everyone else. Sometimes supper awaited me, other times the onus of creating, or otherwise acquiring something for us to all eat together fell to me. Later, as cable made Food TV readily available, I took a liking to the kitchen. In late career, I allocated an annual bonus to remodeling it, mostly in a cosmetic way. Now supper creation has become my challenge, one that I seem to meet most nights with an element of accomplishment.
The author's ambivalence is hardly unique to her generation. In my childhood, we did not have the means to eat out and ordering online would take decades to become available to everyone. Instead, fortunes were made by suppliers of TV dinners. Banquet, Swanson, Stouffer's. My mother, who did not work outside the home, popped them in the oven. As a student, I went to a cafeteria most evenings. Then as a wage earner with a kitchen and a family that progressed through its stages, supper came mostly from our stove. We never ate Fast Food for supper, but would go out on occasion for a pizza. Still, my family like her family, regarded supper each evening as our primary meal, both for sustenance and interpersonal cohesion.
Like the author, we have reached the modern age. Preparing supper has never been easier. Unlike the author, I have evolved a repertoire and a planning mechanism, which she has not developed. The anchors have become the weekly Shop-Rite ad and my freezer. Shabbos dinner creates a fixed point. It has limited repertoire. Chicken parts, beef cubes, occasionally ground beef. Friday night is usually the only time of the week in which I will prepare meat. Chicken is mostly seared and baked, enough for two meals. Ground beef becomes a meat loaf, two meals. Beef cubes become cholent, two meals this week and a portion frozen for a subsequent shabbos. Thus I have 2/7 suppers done. The template also includes a starch and a vegetable. Near East Couscous or rice goes on sale, boil water, add contents of box, and sit on stove a while longer. Or bake a white or sweet potato in the oven. Boil frozen vegetable or make a cucumber/tomato salad.
In my freezer I have pierogies, ravioli, fish that had been frozen at sea, garden burgers, a couple packages of plant based meat in various forms. Fish is nature's fast food. Thaw the night before. Tuna steaks need only seasoning and a few minutes in a hot skillet. Ravioli is boiled. Perogies have differnt options for cooking. My refrigerator has swiss and American cheese. Two pieces of bread and grill on the stovetop. My refrigerator has eggs and milk. Quiche takes minutes to assemble, providing meals for two nights. Sometimes I put extra effort to plan ahead. Macaroni and cheese in the style of Horn & Hardart has been recaptured as a recipe. Assembly is tedious, requiring a béchamel and precooked noodles. The concoction gets baked in a lasagna pan. Two meals this week. Freeze two other quarters for single meals each of the next two weeks. Same for spinach lasagna, recipe from the first cookbook that the upper tier Artscroll publishers ever authorized. The Shop-Rite ad is useful. When the ingredients go on sale, particularly the perishable kosher cheeses, that becomes my kitchen project.
And not to forget my pantry. Spaghetti is quite versatile. One third of a box, boil, strain. In olive oil, sauté garlic that I have chopped. Sauté sliced onions, mushrooms if on sale, some parsely from my indoor pot. Mix in a bowl. Often enough for two meals. In the pantry I keep canned salmon. Modern small choppers make this easy. Onion, maybe celery into the chopper. Add salmon and spin once or twice. Add egg, spin again. Into bowl. Bread crumbs or matzoh meal for consistency, spices chosen at whim. Pan fry as sandwich sized patties. Enough for two meals.
None of this seems physically taxing or mentally difficult to plan. Restaurant once a month or so, pizza once a month or so. Take-out never, fast food never. We eat pretty well most evenings.
And for guests, shabbos, Seder, Thanksgiving, Rosh Hashanah, I do a little more. Same for special events wife's birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day. Expanded menu. Planning a week or two in advance. Coordinating various courses with stove top and oven requirements. It is those skills utilized for weekday suppers that enable executing the more elegant preparations.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Studying Anti-Semitism
An extensive article by staff writers at the JewishTelegraphic Agency profiled a fairly recent project sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League to study the efficacy of different approaches to combating anti-Semitism.
Some brief background. Anti-Semitism, either hatred of Jews or resentment of Jews, has been around since antiquity. Assigning definitions remains unsettled, but like Justice Stewart's assessment of pornography, you know it when you see it. Through history, it has had overt, even deadly expressions. In America, this has been mostly subtle. Our Founding Fathers created a policy of tolerance, continued by our immigration processes which at one time did not restrict entry of healthy Jews, mostly from central and Eastern Europe, arriving at a few ports in massive numbers. While American anti-Semitism has never been deadly, with a few isolated exceptions, America has had its pockets of anti-Jewish sentiment. Some displayed a public face with Klansmen and American Nazis carrying placards or hotels posting signs indicating that Jews could not obtain rooms there. Titans of capitalism sometimes operated under conspiracy theories of Jews having surreptitious methods for controlling the world. Others set quotas for access to elite schools or prime employment, though almost never zero representation. Amid overt or tacit hostility, episodes of welcome appeared, some more sincere than others. Tammany Hall in the early twentieth century solicited votes from newly franchised Jewish citizens, often asking them to identify their Rabbi who could help with organizing them. As growing American industry, financial markets, and professions expanded at about mid-century, college educated Jews had acquired valuable talent and energy to propel these enterprises forward. At the same era, the face of anti-Semitism shifted. The Dixie bigots never disappeared. But there arrived a new presence in America. An Islamic element, wealthy and influential by control of essential oil markets, took the position that dhimis like Jews should never have sovereignty. Anti-Israel became the marker of Anti-Semitism, an intersectionality that once again threatens Jews physically, not just in America but everywhere from Munich to Israeli buses to American public places. In the past year, as Israel tries to contain very real threats and American Jews in alliance with most of our national elected officials decry this return of animosity, that previously contained Anti-Semitism has gained popular support among American progressives and minorities. The Internet has offered everyone parity of expression on their preferred platform with little prospect of negative consequences such as loss of employment. Even when adverse consequences can be applied, leaders of our great Universities have been reticent to enforce protection to Jewish students and other members of the visibly Jewish public.
In response to a deadly anti-Semitic event, the kangaroo trial followed by the lynching of Leo Frank in Atlanta in 1913, a group of philanthropists banded together to found what became a legacy Jewish agency, now known as the Anti-Defamation League. At the time, and today, public unflattering stereotypes of Jewish people in public forums abounded. This era also brought into existence many public service agencies, Jewish, secular, sectarian, economic. Unions gained prominence. The Scouts, NAACP, our Federation system for pooling and distributing donations, Lions Clubs, and many other sources of philanthropy and advocacy trace their origins to that era. As we advanced forty years, Jewish acceptance in America had become established, though African-Americans and other minorities had not done as well. Advocacy through the ADL expanded for all groups that had been treated poorly, a source of core values, but later a source of friction as allies with more success found areas of divergent interests. And that is a quick summary of a hundred years of advocacy.
Next an anecdote. My state university offers courses to seniors through its Osher Institute affiliation. During the pandemic, I enrolled in a Zoom series on contemporary issues. Each week, the three organizers would invite somebody of personal or organizational prominence to present their activities for about an hour, then open Zoom to questions. Among those presenting was a representative of the local ADL chapter, either the director or assistant to the director. She focused on her organization's educational efforts that spanned over a hundred years, a source of great pride to her. Two questions came from the audience that stayed with me, as the presentation took place just after the pandemic's peak but before the October 7 massacre with its outpouring of Anti-Zionist public canards. One question went something like, if you are so experienced at this and doing the same for a hundred years, why do we still have Pittsburgh and Charlottesville? Do you have alternative activities that may be more effective? The other question came from somebody more familiar with the ADL and how it has engages in its advocacy mission. How has the agency's directions changed as leadership passed from Abe to Jonathan? Both very legitimate questions. And she groped for answers that a group of highly educated seniors retired from some very upper-tier professions realized she did not have.
While educated people have an advantage over the ignorant, the most educated around attend universities whose admissions offices turned me down. There are imprints, scripting, opportunism, In other spheres we have warning labels on tobacco and alcohol products, public service announcements, and people collecting outcome data. Education did not reduce smoking and smoking-related illness in America. Taxation and restriction of opportunities to smoke in public places did. A good law will outperform good intentions every time. Drunk driving injuries have declined because of enforcement of laws, not because people with DUI were forced to attend classes. It is likely the same with prejudice. It was OK to deny black people restaurant seating in Alabama when the law permitted it, taboo when there are real penalties for people who try. And with the change in mandated behavior comes an acceptance of the new behavior as the right path. Smoking bad, drink judiciously, everyone gets seated at every restaurant in America. Sometimes it is best to force people to do what they should be doing without being compelled by laws and penalties.
The JTA article, reprinted in The Forward where I read it, poses a similar question to those at the Zoom ADL seminar. How effective is education as a tactic to deter anti-Semitism? Do some agency heads like Jonathan at ADL or Ted at AJC, both with extensive political backgrounds in the Democratic Party, come to their current responsibilities with imprints that Abe and David, their predecessors of very long-standing tenure did not have?
That becomes the heart and soul of the extensive JTA analysis. ADL, for all the sacred cows that it has protected from its shechita knife, engaged somebody who asked the same question that the person at the Zoom seminar asked. If we are so good at this, why can't we avert the cycles of anti-Semitism in whatever form we find them? Maybe the focus on public education has become that beaten dead horse. If it needs replacement, what should the more efficacious approach be?
While headquartered at the ADL, something like this requires a wide net of collaboration with independent thinkers whose careers do not depend on saluting the sponsor. Across America and beyond, there are institutes, universities, publications, and other organizations that conduct objective research on anti-Semitism. Findings can be a great resource, the justification for changing direction. Or when legacy organizations have been around forever, inconvenient discoveries can be resisted with the full structure and force of the agency. The ADL VP profiled had begun assembling this network, though the role of the ADL, or AJC as a parallel advocate with comparable vast resources, seemed a bit amorphous given the scale of the project. Some institutions were mentioned. One that was not is one to which I donate, Indiana University's Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism. These scholarly enclaves have existed for a considerable time. Their faculty, as most are university subdivisions, have bibliographies, tenure, and grants. However, any alternatives to mass public educational efforts have not been very well publicized, let alone adopted in a coordinated way by our legacy advocacy agencies.
Best practices research, now a pillar in my own medical profession, has produced copious guidelines for how to manage a wide variety of medical challenges. They are presented with a scoring system that includes the quality of the data that generates the recommendations and the strength of expert consensus. I think that would also be the model for social policy, whether creating best practices for policing to avoid some of the unfortunate incidents and for assessing the impact of interventions to mitigate anti-Semitism. It is not likely that blaming Jews for the woes of other populations will disappear, but they can be marginalized from the public sphere in a better way than what we experience now. I think enough evidence has accumulated that defaulting resources to public education has not brought the desired outcome. What might replace this, with a better outcome as the end in mind, remains uncertain. The research already exists, both in how to recognize best practices and how to assess alternatives in an objective way. Coordinating this effort seems more nascent.
Friday, January 3, 2025
Cleaning the Basement
- Specific: A workable basement suitable as a storage area
- Measurable: Decided to work by the clock, forty minutes a week in one or two sessions
- Attainable: I don't know how many minutes are really needed or what external resources will need purchasing or hiring. 40 minutes/ wk * 25 weeks = 1000 min = 17 hours. I guess if I hired a pro it would take about two full work days.
- Relevant: What I don't do will default to my survivors
- Time-bound: My initiatives are in six month segments