
Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day: Summer's Close

Labor Party

In Labor Image result for in labor

Hard LaborImage result for hard labor

Labor StrikeImage result for labor strike

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Showing Up

Woody Allen once observed that 80% of life is showing up.  Probably true up to a point.  In some aspects a couple of folks whose main attribute is their Y-chromosome keep our daily minyan in the double digits most of the time while impeding the more critical decisions that keep the other elements of our congregation attractive looking forward.  A shabbos morning has about 2/3 the attendance it once did but showing up is sufficient to keep from exploring what happened to that other 1/3.  Nominating committees select officers and a board that will show up.

It is that other 20% of life that makes it sparkle or fail.  But you have to get to step 1 and assure that it is attractive to move beyond that.