The Haftarot that bridge Tisha B'Av and Rosh Hashana, seven Haftarot of Consolation from Isaiah, all need to be read, though there has been some divided opinion as to whether a special Haftarah as the new month changes from Av to Elul, as it did last shabbat, changes the sequence. Our custom has been to read Haftarah Rosh Hodesh, then double Re-eh and Ki Tatzay as they are ordinarily read together as the Haftarah for Noach. That has been our custom, or so it was announced by the Rabbi with the right page number for Rosh Hodesh. The reader, however just started Re-eh, leaving those of us who could read Hebrew wondering for a moment why he was reading from a different page than was announced. Most of us figured it out quickly, found the right text and followed along, at least from our congregation. Don't know if the visitors from elsewhere could tell the difference, or even cared. That may be our principle form of product differentiation.
As congregational snafu's go, there are many more serious ones like entrenching all the VP's in the Executive Board in perpetuity to the neglect of talent progression or sermons that are too identifiable as AIPAC faxes to their designated Rabbis. Perfection is often the enemy of the good and we botched this one.