
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

It's a Rainy Day

An overnight rain at the tail of a major storm from a more vulnerable place.  We've had a dry spell which has caused my zinnias to droop and the weeds in my garden to have a competitive advantage.  Heat and humidity have deterred me from working outdoors or even fishing so the change in weather doesn't really change my activities but helps me avoid having to rationalize them.  Today I also have no fixed appointments.  I've not registered for seminars, no Shiva minyanim to attend on Zoom, it's not the day I check my oil or file my financial statements or even weigh myself.  The treadmill appears on my daily task list and will be addressed later but today is also the day of social media avoidance.  Basically, I have a day with myself.  I can finally take a stab at making my own bagels and dinner centers around macaroni and cheese in the style of Horn & Hardardt, z"l.  It's also a day to tackle some initiatives that are not slam dunks.  A day with time to invest in the future.  Me Time.

Nature scene with rainy day in the park - Download Free Vectors ...

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