
Friday, June 24, 2022


As the half-year concludes, I find myself with a few time-defined tasks, some externally imposed, others by my own SMART goals that mandate time frames.  Externally I have two writing assignments due and two doctor's appointments, and a synagogue activity that I agreed to perform at a certain time.  My donations are now overdue but I think I know where I want to send them.  I'd like to finish my audiobook to add to the list of books for the half-year and one more trip to Maryland stands in the way of completing my day trip initiative.  That's a lot, particularly the two writing submissions, but it gives direction to time that could proceed in a less satisfying way.  It is that tangible list of what I've done that generates inner happiness far more than the pleasures of amusement.  So at my keyboard and doctors' exam rooms and a few other places I need to be until the half-year cycle resets next week.

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