
Friday, September 9, 2022

Touring the World on YouTube

My Space has a few go to items.  A great desk chair.  A recliner that probably should be replaced, perhaps with a barber chair.  I type at my laptop.  I watch a 55" flat screen TCL television.  Until recently, I did not know that the TV accesses YouTube, something I would more commonly open on my cell phone in bed to acquire sleep sounds or maybe listen to a symphony in anticipation of a night's sleep.  Having YouTube on a big screen changes the perspective.

I like to visit places, poking in neighborhoods as I travel, stopping along the way on longer trips at a local coffee place in preference to a turnpike rest stop.  I will often visit a local college, maybe getting a logo coffee mug to add to my collection, now mostly assigned display and not drinking.  I can do these things on a screen.  Any college or any town that I can think of has a resident or student who has filmed their experience.  The towns largely don't offer much, mostly the same drive through, or less, than I would have done as a visitor.  The college tours seem more substantial, some official tours to attract students, some assessments of student experiences, mostly favorable but a few highlighting anti-Semitism or other campus liabilities.  There's even a series of youniversity that has a vlogger giving tours independent of the formal administration recruiting.  My own college selections would probably have been different had this resource been available to me.  

And there is still my fondness for Jewish music and for orchestral pieces there at a quick search.  And my on new channel, dr. plotzker's mind, where I am probably the only one who watches.

Vicarious, for sure.  But available to me in an instant.

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