
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sharpening the Saw

Covey's 7 Habits has been my default for decades in my challenging times.  The last few weeks were my challenging times with illness, despondence, injury, and some anger.  Fishing session helped.  But I still defaulted to the final chapter of 7 Habits on Renewal.  He called it Sharpening the Saw, dividing elements to Physical, Mental, Emotional/Social, and Spiritual.  I separated Social/Emotional.  Never have been much to Spiritual, which is really a subset of emotional.

So here's what I came up with:


  1. Write Publicly
  2. OLLI Classes
  3. Write My Book


  1. Take Medicines
  2. Relate to doctors candidly at medical visits
  3. Exercise
  4. Fixed Sleep Times


  1. Catch a Fish
  2. Visit a New Place
  3. Help my gardens flourish
  4. Enhance my Dr. Plotzker's Mind YouTube series
  5. Look Good


  1. Be a friendly American
  2. Mingle at Kiddush
  3. Mingle at OLLI
  4. Invite Guests
  5. Attend UPenn's 50th activities
  6. Register JCC Summer session
None are beyond my capacity, though some straightforward while others very challenging.  But I definitely could use some renewal

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