
Thursday, September 5, 2024

Recovering from Covid

Covid took something out of me.  As I reach the final 24 hours of my Paxlovid prescription, one more foil blister tonight and tomorrow, I still don't feel great, but functional.  The breathing improvement must come from viral control.  Its trajectory suggests medication driven.  Sleep better.  Fatigue could be better.  Most distressing, perhaps, my mind has not reclaimed its pre-illness acuity.  If I were to do a formal Montreal Mini-Mental I'd probably score OK.  Some of the Executive Function elements of focus and organization still seem lagging.

We are in a primary voting interval in advance of the formal election day.  I have the capacity to vote.  A non-profit that values my input wants some of it.  I can respond, though organizing my presentation seemed more difficult during illness.  The response will get edited and sent later today.  I can do household tasks, though with less stamina.  And I set up my new smartwatch from the written and app directions.

Focus has challenged me.  Creativity has not gone very well.  The ability to edit and revise my work before submission still seems less capable than before the illness.  Motivation to do creative things has not recovered in a meaningful way.

I am assuming the deficits are from the Covid virus.  They could also be from its treatment, trading one immediate respiratory rescue for a longer-term but more subtle lapse in cognitive function.  For now, neither is disabling, just less than it was not long ago.

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