
Thursday, December 22, 2022

OOB Mid-Morning

Illness recovery not as complete as I thought.  Last two days I functioned largely normally until bedtime.  Then coughing, wheezing, hard fought expectoration.  But no rest.  I had not taken any medicine to bring about the fairly normal days.  My Go-To generic NyQuil.  Cough suppressant, sedative, decongestant.  Off to the recliner in My Space, some gentle TV, then a night's sleep in the chair.  Awoke at what I thought was a reasonable arising time, not quite 6:30AM but still tired.  Returned to bed, still able to breathe without cough or other interruption.  Back to sleep in no time.  Wife had set radio, I noticed it was on momentarily but slept through WRTI's daily SouzAlarm, a feature played at 7:15AM each morning to prod people who needed to head off to work.  But I was warm and oblivious.  Next glimpse at the red numerals of the clock radio: about 9 AM, then 10:16AM.  Still wanted to avoid being left out in the warm, but got up, proceeding to some hygiene and coffee.

The illness has played havoc with my sleep patterns, something carefully nurtured over about two years.  I'll have to let the respiratory disruption resolve more completely, then reconsider how I'd like to reset my daily sleep-wake patterns.

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