
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Looking Shaggy

Covid-19 has a lot of offshoots, one being grooming.  I've had one haircut late summer, about 4 months ago in anticipation of my son's wedding.  There's not been a lot of incentive to update that, or beard trimming for that matter, which I have done more for comfort than appearance.  In this day of Zoom people can see your head and face, though the default position of my computer camera is to capture me at about the hair line.  I look a little like Wilson of Home Improvement fame who used to approach Tim at the fence separating their yards.  The fence came up to Wilson's eyes and he work a hat so that you could really only see his eyes and hear his advice to his neighbor. 

There are subsets of men who do not cut their hair, most notably Sikhs but also Rastafarians and for the face and earlocks, some Hasidim.  The Sikhs obscure the overgrowth with stylish turbans but typically have chest length beards which are invariably groomed.  The Rastafarians wear knit caps but let the dreadlocks hang loose.  The Hasidim seem to prefer facial shagginess.  

I have no religious justification for excessive hair.  It is groomed with a comb.  And it is far less than what most women accept for their normal scalp growth.  Yet after decades of regular grooming, my scalp hair seems excessive.  I touch it too much, which may be the best signal of needing to get it cut.

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