
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Slightly More Motivated

It's been a tough XMas week.  In a funk for a couple of weeks, not irritable but never quite able to get enough sleep.  I have maintained my exercise schedule, substituted one day snow shoveling for treadmill and reduced the speed on the treadmill, though not the duration.

After doing very well with sleep hygiene, my sleep cycle has become aberrant at about 4AM on several consecutive days, not transitioning from twilight sleep to the next cycle but waking me instead.  I get back to sleep but not fully rested by the usual wake time, which I have made a faithful effort to maintain.  

My daily list has a lot of activities, but I find myself focused on the easy ones.  I just don't seem motivated to deal with the more demanding undertakings, whether some scheduled writing or the challenging parts of house maintenance.  There are deadlines, which typically motivate me, or at least prod performance, but intrinsic motivation seems at a lull.  At least today I feel less dragged.

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