
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My New Half-Year

Starting Gun Stock Pictures, Royalty-free Photos & Images

My virtual starting pistol has sounded.  Twelve SMART initiatives for the second half of 2020 replace twelve less SMART initiatives mostly undone in the first half.

  1. Participate in 2 Organizations
  2. Take 3 day trips in 3 different states
  3. Visit a National Park
  4. Purchase 2 subscriptions from publications whose free ration I typically exceed
  5. Write 100 pages of the book that will make me famous
  6. Create a means of identifying despicable people from public  photos and cataloguing them
  7. Read 3 books distributed over specified categories
  8. Achieve weight and waist circumference targets
  9. Make 2 new friends
  10. Attend my son's wedding
  11. Process financial statements at 2 specified times a month
  12. Transform my bedroom into a sanctuary
Being an old chemistry major, I remain very familiar with activation energy and often need for a catalyst or enzyme to bring processes from starting to end points.  All projects I think have 

SPECIFICITY METRICS ATTAINABLE RELEVANT TIME-SPECIFIED used to have a New Year's Eve show in which invited panelists on the screen and the full cast of regulars off the screen would make a list of recommended purchases to be reviewed the following New Year's Eve.  They could not trade their recommendations during that time interval.  What looks good now doesn't always look as inviting when you see it's progress move from one stage to the next.  I never abandon my projects, but the vigor or pursuit loses enthusiasm and sometimes relevance.  But it's my best assessment right now of the best use of my time and talent.

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