
Monday, July 6, 2020

Struggling with the Difficult

Bright new day, planned out week, projects for today that contribute to a six month composite in writing, prioritized, and staring at me.  Some are easy, like weighing myself or measuring waist circumference but contribute to a SMART goal directly.  Same with washing my duvet, taking down comforter to cleaners and rotating my mattress for the first time.  My bedroom will be my sanctuary and it takes some effort.  I opted for The Forward as my second subscription and volunteered for the Jewish Historical Society of Delaware as one of my two organizations.  All direct components of larger goals, though all that I've done today are easy with the exception of rotating the mattress which was a two person job.  Once done, it doesn't return for another six months.

And then there's the hard stuff: thinking, writing, creating.  That finds me floundering today.  Even  my allotment of reading, something that usually has me ahead of schedule has played second fiddle to household chores of little mental effort.  Weeding my garden and checking water of my plants is pleasant, needs to be done, and ultimately productive but anybody can do it.  The things unique to me, my mind, my insight, my ability to organize thoughts and express them has had this morning off.  Give it second run later.

organizing strategies, declutter your life

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