
Thursday, August 4, 2022

On a Down Cycle

As much as I like driving to no particular place by myself or typing on the keyboard in My Space, these are fundamentally isolating activities.  It's now been a month since interacting on FB, which added to the isolation despite many benefits of not being there.  In Pittsburgh the morning at Tree of Life followed by a stroll inside the Pitt main campus brought me in contact with others for a short time.  Despite family gathering as the purpose for traveling there, I spent most of the time horizontal in their guest room.  

Since returning home, I've not felt badly, though not particularly well.  A heat wave has minimized time outside my house.  

Some reversal of this down cycle seems imminent.  Out for breakfast, not that I'm hungry, just want to go out.  Need some medical care which should prod me out of the house in the coming week.  Want to take next beach trip, which doesn't generate a lot of interaction but puts me in a small crowd.  Mostly leave house to appear in public.

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