
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Attracting Me Back

No sign-ons to FB, X, or Reddit for a week.  All but FB has given up on me, or understood my value to them accurately.  FB does its best to entice my return.  The icon on my mobile app reads 32 notifications.  It increases by a few each day.  Reddit has 4, constant since day 2 of my respite.  Twitter has zero.  We do not miss each other.  

FB also sends messages to my email box.  People who I know, people who I care about, have continued posting in my absence.  FOMO, they anticipate.  I must know what these dear people expressed.  I don't think I missed any birthdays.  I don't know when the next FB Friend's birthday arrives.  There are two that I remember this month.  Each worthy of a special day with a generous greeting that likely will not arrive, but also not generate resentment in its absence.

I'm not ready for my Next Act there.  Perhaps when I go on vacation in another two weeks.

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