
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Feeling Combative

My buttons have been pushed.  Provoked by my synagogue.  Provoked by friends who ride on their high horses.  Imposed upon in various ways.  My responses have recently been more candid than cordial.  Not hostile, but direct enough to transmit a message of irritation.  

Even my recreation has fallen victim.  After supper, I retreat to My Space most evenings.  Having largely abandoned scheduled TV, I default to YouTube in search of some learning.  It seems Google, which owns the service, thinks I would prefer to watch a few Conflict Entrepreneurs promote their pet agendas.  A series of Oh My selections, though admittedly with contributions from both extremes of a political divide.  Never a discourse.  I know which sponsor is which.  My Recommended videos of Road Trips, interviews of religious figures by people seeking to enlighten viewers, some history or geography that I like to watch.  None recommended for me anymore.  Instead, I get how Florida, China, and Walmart are all on their last legs, so I should beware.  Made me testy.

Testy may be a good place to be as America's political overload becomes insufferable.  I know how I will vote, I know the limitations of who I select.  I know what an Islamo-Leftist alliance is and how much disdain I have for them.  My mind is probably combative for a good reason.

Despite this, I have legitimate distractions from this.  A talk that I am looking forward to giving needs preparation.  I can keep my distance from the synagogue for a few weeks.  Travel looms not too many weeks off, with perhaps a day trip before that.  And there's a doctor's visit.  These are usually disposition upgrades.

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